Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Acupuncture Today
For acupuncture news, research, and information.
National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM)
Providing national standards for state licensure.
Redwing Books
The premier source for books and media on Chinese medicine.
Oregon Medical Board
The mission of the Oregon Medical Board is to protect the health, safety, and wellbeing of Oregon citizens by regulating the practice of medicine in a manner that promotes access to quality care.
QigongDragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine
My alma mater.
David Yeh is listed at
The Best of the Willamette Valley
Local business listing for Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Philomath, Portland, and Salem, Oregon. Promoting local businesses with listings, ads, web links, and more.
Corvallis Local Foods
We were looking for an aggregation hub. We were looking for something that was already a success
Community Outreach
A resource for homeless and low-income residents of Corvallis.