David D. Yeh

I am a practitioner of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and qigong. I hold National Certification in Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and am licensed in the state of Oregon (#AC01285).

I received my Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine in Gainesville, Florida. Dragon Rises was founded by the late Leon Hammer, M.D., author of Dragon Rises, Red Bird Flies: Psychology & Chinese Medicine and Chinese Pulse Diagnosis: A Contemporary Approach. Dr. Hammer apprenticed for 27 years with the famous Chinese physician Dr. John H.F. Shen. Dr. Shen and Dr. Hammer were renowned especially for their pulse diagnosis skills; Dr. Hammer crystallized his vast experience in his textbook and in his system, Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis ®. During my time in Florida, I received extensive training in this method and lineage.

A thorough foundation in Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis makes the diagnosis of complex and difficult conditions much clearer, and makes possible the ability to apply Chinese medicine as a truly preventative medicine.

To build on this foundation, I have pursued training in Neijing classical acupuncture under Edward Neal, M.D. , advanced herbal training in the Graduate Mentorship Program taught by senior practitioner Sharon Weizenbaum, and training in acupuncture from many others.

As an avid practitioner of qigong (Chinese energy exercises), I trained intensively with Shaolin Wahnam, and received certification as a Medical Qigong Practitioner by the International College of Medical Qigong. I am currently pursuing neigong training with Damo Mitchell at Lotus Neigong.

Prior to becoming an acupuncturist, I attended Stanford University and graduated with a B.A. in Psychology.

Then, inspired by the works of naturalist Tom Brown, Jr., I spent a year living semi-primitively at an outdoor school in the Wisconsin Northwoods. That year was an intensive education in wilderness living: I spent the year building fires by friction, tanning deer hides, building and living in wigwams, eating wild plants, tracking animals, and learning how to live in a tight-knit community in the midst of both summer mosquitoes and winter snow.

But during this year, I ran headlong into health problems of my own, and afterwards resolved to find out more about how to help myself and others. After I left, I received a degree in massage therapy. Feeling that massage was not enough, I sought out the most advanced training in Oriental Medicine available.

I live in Corvallis with my wife Abigail and my young son Ethan.

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